21.11.17 - So I've been in Germany for 3 months now...

I now understand what all of the Berlin hype is about. 

I now understand what all of the Berlin hype is about. 

So I've been in Germany for 3 months now... spending time with relatives, attempting to learn German, teaching cute little children English, and working at a super awesome coffee shop called Green & Bean.  
I brought my guitar with me, performed at a wedding in August, and borrowed an electric guitar from a friend for an indefinite amount of time to try to expand my style through that.  

Though I haven't been performing lately, I've written a handful of songs, through a slightly different process than usual.  I spend a lot of time on trains across Bavaria, often with pen in hand and my journal falling apart in my lap as I scribble mostly legible poems and entries into it.  Some of which I turn into lyrics if I think they are concise and important enough.   

Then, in bursts of feeling inspired or frustrated or sad, I get out my guitar and find a melody to match.  I'm not really fluent in guitar.  For me it is a tool, that I wish I could use better.  With time I am making some progress, but I wish I could express myself with guitar the same way I can on piano.  It's kind of similar to wishing I could communicate in German the same way I can in English.  My mother tongue.

It's funny how no matter where I'm living or what I'm doing, I always seem to find someone to be emotional about and therefore the songwriting continues.  Maybe one day I'll learn to write about something other than crushes and relationships and "love."

Plans?  Keep doing what I'm doing until the spring rolls around, then get out on the road with a few friends to do a little Germany tour.  I'm thinking of coming out to the UK too.  Excited to do more house shows because they're the best ever!  Shoot me a message if you're interested in collaborating on any sort of artistic project.  I have time and would love to hear from you!

With love from Germany,

Mila Marie

PS. check out this beautiful song